The current pandemic has changed the world in more ways than we know. People across the world have understood that it’s in their best interest to strengthen their immune systems to keep them strong from within and to stay healthy.  This is why an increasing number of health enthusiasts and experts around the world are emphasizing the importance of immunity boosting drinks for building internal strength and staying healthy.

The stronger is your immune system, the less likely are you to become sick. However, if you still fall ill, your strong immunity will help you to recover faster. Hence, it is very important to consider natural and herbal things that can help you keep your immune system at its peak.

Why do we need Immunity boosting drinks to strengthen the immunity system?

While there are a variety of foods that can help in boosting the immune system but sometimes these drinks can be made a lot tastier. The fundamental necessity is to provide the body with essential nutrients that can help us stay healthy and fight infections of all kinds.

So, if you aren’t much into eating, then here are a handful of tasty alternates you can drink and keep the virus and infections at bay.

Immunity Boosting Drinks for Great Health

1. Hot Turmeric milk/ Turmeric Latte – Immunity Boosting Drinks

Turmeric, also known as Haldi, is a great ingredient for boosting immunity.

How to make Turmeric milk | How to Make Haldi Milk/ Golden Milk

Ingredients required
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric/ haldi
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon of Sugar or 1 tablespoon honey
Steps to make Turmeric Milk Immunity Boosting Drinks

Step 1 – Mix all these ingredients (except honey if you are opting out of sugar and choosing honey)

Step 2 – Allow them to boil for a few minutes

Step 3 – Reduce the flame for another 5 minutes for flavor to absorb

Step 4 – Remove it from the flame and add honey to taste ( skip this step if you already added sugar)

Step 5 – Put the milk into a mug and enjoy

Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Haldi Milk – Immunity Boosting Drinks

  • Turmeric milk/ Haldi milk is highly beneficial to aid internal healing and to relieve pain and discomfort associated with seasonal infections.
  • Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties allow it to reduce dark spots, scars and remove acne, and gives you glowing skin.
  • It can also help to relieve inflammation and joint pain
  • It is rich in calcium and vitamin D as both nutrients contribute to the strong skeleton and reduces bone diseases as well.

2. Kadha or Herbal Tea – Immunity Boosting Drinks

Kadha or herbal tea is a natural immunity booster made with Indian herbs and spices. This kadha is made with a range of medicinal ingredients.

How to make Kadha

Ingredients required
  • 5 Holy Basil (Tulsi)
  • 10 Fresh mint (Pudina)
  • 2 Cloves
  • 1 Mulethi
  • 1 Cardamom
  • 1 small piece of Cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 small piece of Ginger
Steps to make Kadha Herbal Tea Immunity Boosting Drinks

Step 1 – Soak all the above ingredients for a few hours or overnight.

Step 2 – Take 3 cups of water in a pan and mix all these soaked ingredients in it.

Step 3 – Simmer the flame and allow the water to reduce to 1 cup. Serve hot.

Benefits of Drinking Kadha Herbal Tea – Immunity Boosting Drinks

  • Since it contains tulsi and ginger, it can provide relief from the soreness of throat caused due to cough and cold.
  • Kadha also improves the quality of your skin.
  • It enhances the health of your stomach and id considered good for healing problems related to indigestion like constipation, bloating, gastric irritation etc.
  • It is also a great drink to provide reduce tension and lower the symptoms related to stress, anxiety and depression.

3. Fresh Vegetable Soups – Immunity Boosting Drinks

If you’re looking for something in between the meals then a bowl of hot and healthy vegetable soup might be just what you need. Adding more nutrients to your diet with a bowl of soup can be an easy, fast, and delicious way to do so.

Soups are easy to make, keep you hydrated and of course boost your immune system. Soups provide a variety of health benefits when made with nutrient-based ingredients like fresh vegetables and proteins.

How to Make Vegetable Soup

Ingredients required
  • 1 tablespoon Oil
  • Small piece of Ginger
  • 2-3 clove of Garlic
  • 1-2 Spring Onions
  • 1 stick of Cinnamon
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour
  • Fresh Veggies like cabbage, bell peppers, mushrooms, sweet corn, peas, spinach broccoli, etc
Steps to make fresh Vegetable Soup Immunity Boosting Drinks

Step 1 – Heat the oil in a pot and saute ginger and garlic in it.

Step 2 – You can add green spring onions, cinnamon, and bay leaf for an aromatic soup.

Step 3 – dd all the veggies and fry all these ingredients for 3-4 minutes and then add water to it.

Step 4 – Cover the pot and meanwhile prepare cornstarch by adding 1 tbsp of cornflour with a half cup of water. Mix it and add to the pot.

Step 5 – Stir continuously and cook until it turns thick.

Step 6 – Add a little bit of salt, black pepper according to your taste. The soup should be light and airy, not too thick. Serve immediately and enjoy while it’s hot.

Benefits of Drinking Vegetable Soup – Immunity Boosting Drinks

  • Vegetable soup contains less calories and unsaturated fats which prevents the artries from blocking. This ensures healthy circulation of blood and minimizes the risk of heart problems.
  • It strengthens the bones and helps in the development of skeletal system.
  • Veggie soup is rich is antioxidants which helps in removing free radicals from the body. Thus, it gives a healthy and glowing skin, free from fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.
  • Keeps the digestive system happy.
  • It is also believed that having vegetable soup aids in weight loss.

4. Ginger & Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea – Immunity Boosting Drinks

How to Make Ginger Tulsi Tea

Ingredients required
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 bay leaf (tej patta)
  • nearly 1inch ginger crushed
  • nearly 1 inch cinnemon (dalchini)
  • 1 teaspoon cloves (laung)
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 -4 caradom (ilayachee)
  • 1 teaspoon honey of or about 1 inch jaggery
Steps to make Ginger Tulsi Tea Immunity Boosting Drinks

Step 1 – Take 4 cups of water and add it to a saucepan

Step 2 – Add all the ingredients (except honey) and boil them for about 5 minutes.

Step 3 – Add jaggery or honey separately.

Step 4 – Pour it in a cup, strain it and serve it hot.

Benefits of Drinking Ginger Tulsi Tea – Immunity Boosting Drinks

  • Helps in reducing stress.
  • Detoxifies the body and flushes out harmful toxins from the body.
  • Its highly beneficial to those with respiratory problems.
  • Ginger Tulsi tea has anti microbial properties which help in proper oral care.
  • It is known to improve skin and hair health.

5. Ginger Turmeric Tea – Immunity Boosting Drinks

How to Make Ginger Turmeric Tea

Ingredients required
  • 4 cups water
  • nearly 1inch ginger crushed
  • nearly 1 inch cinnemon crushed (dalchini)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cloves (laung)
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 -4 caradom (ilayachee)
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
Steps to make Ginger Turmetic Tea Immunity Boosting Drinks

Step 1 – Take 4 cups of water and add it to a saucepan

Step 2 – Add all the ingredients (except lemon juice and honey) and boil them for about 5 minutes.

Step 3 – Add lemon juice and honey separately.

Step 4 – Pour it in a cup, strain it and serve it hot.

Benefits of Drinking Ginger Turmeric Tea Immunity Boosting Drinks

  • Ginger and turmeric have exceptional benefits in preventing and healing alzheimer disease.
  • Reduces inflammation which is one key reason for heart diseases and diabetes.
  • It is also known to provide relief from old and chronic pain in muscles and tissues.
  • It is a must homemade drink for cough and cold.

A few words from CityMom

It’s never a good idea to take a chance on getting sick, particularly now, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. One thing to note here is that our bodies don’t develop immunity overnight, it takes time to balance our eating, drinking, sleeping, and lifestyle habits.

Having these immunity boosting drinks regularly will gradually strengthen our bodies and prepare us for any unwanted guests.

Along with these immunity boosting drinks, you must try these immunity boosting yoga exercises that increase the body’s resistance to fight infections.

References | and many others!