Our hair forms an important part of our personality. Whenever we go out or meet anyone, it is the first thing people notice.

This is why it is highly essential to keep them well-nourished and conditioned with natural DIY hair conditioners so that they look healthy and shiny.

To keep our hair safe and clean, we usually wash them twice or thrice a week, comb them carefully and wrap them with a scarf or cap when going out.

But is this enough? Well, all this is good but your hair needs a little more care and attention.

It is always a good idea to apply natural hair conditioners so that your hair regains its natural shine and stays healthy.

Today I am going to tell you the best natural DIY hair conditioners that you can easily prepare at home using natural ingredients.

Before we dive into the topic here is an important disclaimer. Before trying any DIY hair conditioners, it’s important to remember that everyone’s hair is different. What works wonders for one person might not be suitable for another. If you have any underlying scalp conditions or concerns, consult a dermatologist before using any new hair treatments.

So let’s begin!

1. DIY Hair Conditioner using Eggs and Olive Oil

Eggs are a natural source of protein, which is a key component of hair. Some studies suggest that using egg-based hair conditioners may help strengthen hair strands.

Eggs are high in protein and fatty acids and very useful for adding moisture and glow to the hair while also fixing damaged and coarse hair. To give your hair a fast boost of nutrition, use eggs as a hair conditioner.

Benefits of using Eggs and Olive Hair Conditioner

  • May help repair minor hair damage
  • May add moisture to dry hair.
  • Some people find it helps with dandruff (consult a dermatologist for persistent dandruff).
  • May add shine to hair (individual results may vary).
  • It may lead to reduced hair fall

How to make Eggs and Olive Hair Conditioner

  • Mix egg yolk with few drops of olive oil to make a smooth mixture.
  • If the mixture is thick, add a few drops of water so that it becomes easy to apply.
  • The egg and olive conditioner is ready

Apply it on your hair before shampooing it well with warm water. Try sulphate free shampoos for best results.

Time to keep it applied on head and hair1 to 2 hours
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce a week

2. DIY Hair Conditioner using Aloe Vera and Honey

Aloe Vera is a natural conditioner and when it is mixed with honey, it rejuvenated your hair and makes them look smooth and bouncy.

Benefits of using Aloe Vera and Honey Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Smoothen your hair
  • Makes the hair soft and bouncy.
  • Treats dandruff
  • Prevents hair loss

How to make Aloe Vera and Honey Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Take half a bowl of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Mix it well to form a hair pack.
Time to keep it applied on head and hair30 minutes
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce every 2 weeks

3. DIY Hair Conditioner using Curd, Lemon and Honey

Curd is very healthy for nourishing hair since it is high in protein, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. It is also rich in vitamins and fatty acids, making it ideal for maintaining healthy hair and reducing hair loss.

Benefits of using Curd and Honey Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Soothe your scalp
  • Smoothens your tresses
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Makes the hair soft and shiny

How to make Curd and Honey Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Mix 1 cup of curd with 1 teaspoon of lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix it well

Slowly apply the mixture to your hair. After some time, wash your hair with a normal shampoo.

Time to keep it applied to the head and hair30 minutes
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce every 2 weeks

4. DIY Hair Conditioner using Cinnamon and Coconut Oil

Cinnamon can work wonders for your hair due to its antimicrobial property.

Benefits of using Cinnamon Hair and Coconut Oil Natural Hair Conditioners

  • promotes hair growth
  • cleansing your scalp
  • reinforces your hair follicles
  • prevents hair loss

How to make Cinnamon and Coconut Oil Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Add cinnamon in coconut oil
  • Mix it well and slowly apply it using your fingertips.
  • After applying the hair conditioner, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and follow with your regular shampoo.
Time to keep it applied to the head and hair20 minutes
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce every week

5. DIY Hair Conditioner using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider vinegar is a great hair conditioner for all types of hair and has proven highly effective on kinky hair.

Benefits of using Apple Cider Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Moisturizes your hair
  • Makes your hair shiny and smooth
  • Makes your hair easy to detangle
  • Cleanses your hair and scalp

How to make Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Take a jug and add 1 cup of water to it
  • Add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in it and its ready

First, shampoo your hair with lukewarm water, and then apply the mixture from the jug. Now simply massage your scalp and hair for a few minutes and wash your hair.

Time to keep it applied to the head and hair5 minutes
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce every 2 weeks

6. DIY Hair Conditioner using Amla (Gooseberry) and Coconut Oil

Amla, which is also known as Gooseberry, is one of the best products to apply to hair. It is a great hair conditioner as it contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Benefits of using Amla Natural Hair Conditioners

  • May promote hair growth
  • Maintains a healthy scalp
  • Makes your hair grow in length
  • Gives volume to your hair
  • Makes your hair shine

How to make Amla Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Add amla powder and coconut oil and boil the them.
  • Also add a bit of Shikakai powder (nearly 1 tablespoon), if available
  • You can heat this mixture for nearly 5 to 7 minuts

Wait for it to cool down slightly. Once it is lukewarm you can apply it to your scalp and hair. For best results, apply it overnight and wash your hair in the morning.

Time to keep it applied to the head and hair1 to 2 hours or overnight
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce a week

7. DIY Hair Conditioner Using Baking Soda

The anti-fungal properties of baking soda make it a perfect hair conditioner.

Benefits of using Baking Soda Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Cleanses your scalp
  • Removes dust and dirt from hair
  • Helps in improving the hair texture

How to make Baking Soda Natural Hair Conditioners

  • Take 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • Mix it with any regular hair conditioner (1/2 cup in quantity)
  • Mix them well to form a mixture

Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and shampoo your hair with lukewarm water.

While baking soda has antifungal properties, it can be quite harsh on the scalp if its used in high concentration or increased frequency. Patch testing is recommended before applying any new ingredient to your hair or scalp. For a gentle scalp scrub, consider mixing a small amount of baking soda with your regular shampoo. Be sure to dilute it well and avoid using it more than once a month.

Time to keep it applied to the head and hair1 hour
Frequency of applying this natural hair conditionerOnce a month

A few words from CityMom

All these homemade hair conditioners are useful in their own ways. You can try any of these and see what suits you best.

These natural DIY conditioner for hair can facilitate hair growth, add volume to your hair, and may rejuvenate dry or damaged strands. Some people have found that it prevents hair fall naturally, and can help in making the hair smooth and shiny without the use of any costly products made of chemicals.

Try these homemade hair conditioners and apply them to your hair as per the frequency shared for each one of them. Follow this for at least 3 months to have well-nourished, thick, and shiny hair.

Try these DIY hair conditioners and let us know which one you like best!


Wikipedia | ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and many others!