One of the most common and perpetual problems of many parents today is that their kids shy away from the full meals and turn towards snacks but there aren’t many healthy snacks for children. Their little tummies are either full of the junk they ate in between the meals or they simply don’t want to eat the nutritious, yet less tempting food on their plates.

While there is no alternative to the 3 full meals of the day. However, if your child can’t stay away from the titbits they eat between the meals, then it’s always a good idea to replace them with something healthy and tasty. So today, we will have a look at some tasty and healthy snacks for children.

How to Choose Healthy Snacks for Children

1. Keep the junk food away

All kids like sodas, chips, candies, cookies, and other such things that aren’t healthy for them. So, in order to help them stay away, keep your kitchen free of all junk foods. Kids crave all these food items, more so when they know that it’s there in one of those kitchen racks.

2. Choose whole-grain foods

Whole-grain foods such as popcorns, millets, oats, etc are rich in nutrients and also have high fiber content. They are good for digestion too.

3. Add some colors to their plate

Having a plate filled with lots of colors entices the kids to take bites and keep coming for more. So pick fruits or other healthy foods that add rainbow colors to your plate.

4. Stay away from added sugar

As much as possible, look for healthy options with natural sugars.

Healthy Snacks for Children

Here I am sharing a few healthy options to munch, that kids can enjoy before it’s time for their full meal.

1. Makhana | Fox Seeds | Lotus Seeds – Healthy Snacks for Children

The search for a good alternative for snacks like chips and puffs will never end. Fortunately, makhana is a suitable alternative. It’s a low-calorie choice that’s high in protein, potassium, starch, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc for those who care about their health. Replace the pack chips with the forever healthy and tasty makhana.

Health Benefits of Makhana – Healthy Snacks for Children

  • Since they are rich in antioxidants, makhana help in neutralizing the free radicals from the body and provides protection against chronic diseases.
  • They are full of nutrients and are good for the overall health of your child.
  • If your child has digestion issues then eating makhana will help them recover fast.

2. Dry Fruits – Healthy Snacks for Children

Dry fruits are a fantastic source of protein, nutrients, minerals, and dietary fiber, and they’re a great alternative to fatty snacks. Our parents and grandparents have always insisted that we consume dry fruits on a regular basis in order to remain healthy. Furthermore, the medical benefits of dry-natural goods are numerous. Some commonly available and highly beneficial dry fruits are Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and cashews.

Health Benefits of Dry Fruits – Healthy Snacks for Children

  • Dry fruits are rich in proteins and vitamins due to which they make ideal snacks for boosting immunity.
  • They help in fighting diseases that are linked to lifestyles such as diabetes and cholesterol.
  • Dry fruits make the bones and teeth strong.
  • Including dry fruits in your diet helps in fighting anaemia.

3. Gur Chana (Roasted chickpeas & Jaggery) – Healthy Snacks for Children

Our humble Gur Chana rose to popularity after some innovative natural food brands began to package and promote the snack. This traditional Indian snack has undeniable nutritional benefits.

Health Benefits of Gur Chana – Healthy Snacks for Children

  • Because of the presence of the nutrient B6, it is also believed that regular consumption of Gur chana improves memory.
  • Both chickpeas and jaggery are good sources of zinc which improves skin health and makes it stay smooth and soft.
  • Gur chana helps in fighting respiratory disorders.
  • Gur chana boosts the body’s immunity and even helps you lose weight.
  • Due to the presence of Vitamin B6, Gur Chana is known to improve memory and increase grasping and retention power.

4. Fresh Fruits – Healthy Snacks for Children

In comparison to many other parts of the world, India has always been renowned for having higher levels of fruit consumption. Fruits can be consumed at any time of day, boosting your energy levels and providing your body with essential nutrients to keep it safe. Fruits provide nutrients that are important for overall health and body support.

Health Benefits of Fresh Fruits – Healthy Snacks for Children

  • Fruits are low in calories and help in maintaining an optimal weight.
  • Eating fruits provides the body with the right hydration and essential nutrients required for the growth of the body and the development of the mind.
  • Helps in maintaining overall health.
  • Fruits contain vitamins, iron, and minerals that can supercharge your child by boosting energy levels.
  • If your child has constipation problems then a bowl full of fruits is highly recommended in their daily diet.

5. Sprouts – Healthy Snacks for Children

Sprouts are high in a variety of important nutrients. While the amount of nutrition varies depending on the pulses you are picking for making sprouts, but mostly, they all contain significant amounts of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and Vitamin K.

Health Benefits of Sprouts – Healthy Snacks for Children

  • Sprouts can aid in digestion.
  • They can also boost immunity by supplying sufficient amounts of Vitamin A and C.
  • Sprouting the seeds can significantly improve the amount of fiber in them. Since much of this fiber is insoluble, it feeds the good bacteria in the intestine that maintains a healthy digestive system.
  • It controls the insulin levels in the body.
  • Eating sprouts cleanses the body and removes toxins from the body.
  • Helps in maintaining the body’s optimum weight.

A few words from CityMom

As parents, we need to ensure that the right nutrients are fed to our kids at whichever time they prefer to eat. With these healthy snacks for kids, you don’t have to worry about what they eat in between the meals. The best part is that if for some reason, they happen to miss the full meals (although not advisable), these healthy snacks will still keep them energized, and healthy for long.

Along with these healthy snacks, also try these healthy drinks for kids which gives them instant energy and stamina.

References | and many others!